The Bit Short

The Bit Short

The Coming Collapse In Crypto I’ve explained in the past how Bitcoin nearly hits all the marks of what makes money, money. But not quite. Initially, it was pitched as a currency that you could spend in the marketplace to buy a cup of coffee or even to buy a house or a...
The Others

The Others

How “Lost” is playing out in society right now. My wife and I are re-watching the TV series Lost on Disney Plus.  It’s almost like watching it for the first time as there were so many things we forgot that happened throughout each of the seasons. I’m also watching an...
Social Security

Social Security

The greatest Ponzi scheme in history. Social Security was supposedly created because we were all too dumb to save for retirement ourselves.  But it’s not like they saved a dime of the money we put in.  Nor did they invest a dime we put in to grow with inflation.  (In...
Scarcity or Abundance Mindset

Scarcity or Abundance Mindset

Changing your view of the world can change how much money you make.  Some people view the world in scarcity terms. “I can’t afford that.”  Versus a world of abundance. “How can I afford that?” One of the most hilarious movies about money is...
Is Price Gouging Actually A Good Thing?

Is Price Gouging Actually A Good Thing?

We’ve all seen natural disasters or financial crises pop up in different parts of the world, at different times in our lives, and how the market reacts to supply problems. Whether it the gas shortages of the ’70s (or the pipeline hack of today) or water and food...

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