Build It And They Will Come

Build It And They Will Come

China’s communist central planners prove how that statement only exists in the movies. Field of Dreams, starring Kevin Costner is about a farmer who hears a mysterious voice in his cornfield saying “If you build it, they will come,” he feels the need to...


How Matthew McConaughey predicted monetary base in Afghanistan. The movie Gold, starring Matthew McConaughey is loosely based on the true story of the 1993 Bre-X mining scandal. Kenny Wells, a prospector desperate for a lucky break, teams up with a similarly eager...
NEW ARTICLE Revolution. Flight to Safety or Freedom.

NEW ARTICLE Revolution. Flight to Safety or Freedom.

In the movie the Patriot, starring Mel Gibson, Benjamin raises his 7 children after his wife passed away, but joins the war effort after a British Soldier kills his son. This call to action was probably not the typical call to action to overthrow British rule over...
Loki Variants Baked into Bitcoin?

Loki Variants Baked into Bitcoin?

I just listened to a podcast which can be seen here.  George Gammon interviews Caitlin Long, CEO of Avanti Bank.  This was the most eye-opening piece on bitcoin I’ve listened to that helped me understand more on how it can potentially become like digital gold, but...
The Goldless US dollar turns 50 this Weekend

The Goldless US dollar turns 50 this Weekend

The Godless US dollar turns 50 this Weekend August 15th, 1971 Nixon took us off the gold standard and replaced it with the US dollar standard, which is backed by confidence in the US only. Never before in history has the entire world been on a fiat monetary system. ...

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